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Cornwood C of E Primary School

School Uniform

Our uniform is supplied by School Trends


To make an order please follow the link below, items can be ordered online


Girls Uniform

White Polo Shirt

Grey/Black skirt, trousers or shorts

Blue gingham summer dress

Blue sweatshirt or cardigan

Black shoes


Boys Uniform

White Polo Shirt

Grey/Black trousers or shorts

Blue sweatshirt 

Black shoes 


Please no coloured trainers, crocs or opened toed sandals. No leggings.


PE Kit

Blue round neck t-shirt

Black shorts

Trainers or plimsolls 


Please have a specific PE bag that these items can stay in safely everyday.



Please ensure that these are small studs or hoops.

They will need to be taken out for PE sessions or taped over if they are unable to be taken out.
