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Cornwood C of E Primary School

Collective Worship

'A family where we flourish and learn to be the best version of ourselves'

Collective Worship is a statutory requirement for all schools in England and Wales.  At Cornwood C of E Primary School, Collective Worship is so much more than this.  It is a time where our school family meets together, learns together, reflects together, a time within which children and staff are given a time to be still, to engage and respond. 






Key Events


Open the book 

Living our vision 

Roots and Fruits

Collective Worship book

Picture News 

Celebration Worship 

Lead by the Ethos Council


Children leading Collective worship at Cornwood C of E Primary school


Before Collective worship:

  • Setting up the computer
  • Putting out the benches
  • Preparing the worship table
  • Writing prayers
  • Meeting visitors at the entrance


During Collective worship:

  • Organising school notices
  • Taking part in drama activities such as Open the Book
  • Supporting teachers with music, video clips and PowerPoint slides
  • Asking and answering questions
  • Reading or saying prayers
  • Leading actions or signing to songs


After Collective worship:

  • Putting away the table and candles
  • Stacking the benches
  • Recording Collective Worship

Please take a look at our Collective Worship Policy
