At Shaugh Prior Primary, we work closely with our Parents and Carers to achieve high levels of attendance. We encourage the children to attend school by providing a wide curriculum that is supportive, engaging and challenging, within an environment that is warm and welcoming. Being at school is a very important part of a young person’s life. They learn to make friends and acquire a range of skills that will prepare them for adult life. We place a high value on regular attendance as the routines of school prepare children for the expectations of secondary schools and their future working life.
When children are too unwell to attend school, parents are asked to confirm absence by telephone before 9.30am. We will always phone home to check on children’s whereabouts if we have not heard from parents. The school works closely with the Local Authority’s Welfare officer to monitor attendance so that every child has the opportunity to make progress and to reach their potential.
We do not authorise requests for absences unless in exceptional circumstances. Unless your child has a serious underlying condition or catches an infectious disease, we would not expect any child to have attendance below 98%. Please click on the link above to download our 'Attendance Matter' leaflet for more detailed information or contact our school office on 01752 838373 if you have any further concerns or questions.