Welcome to Oldaport Class!
Scroll down to find out what we have been up to each week, as well as handy information such as our timetable.
Autumn Parent Letter
Welcome back Oldaport! It has been lovely having the children back in school after the half term. We have been busy starting our new termly topics in MFL, science, geography and computing. The children are keen to show me what they already know about these subjects and I am excited to guide them through their new topics.
This week we have been busy performing in the harvest festival. We’ve also been really busy showing what we have learnt so far in some assessments this week, including practice SATs papers. Their adaptability and resilience has been outstanding. What a great week!
Oldaport have enjoyed a busy week this week, and were fantastic role models to our younger children throughout Reading Day. They enjoyed taking parts in lots of reading related activities and enjoyed a shared reading session with Meadowsfoot class and the EYFS children from Cornwood. In English, we have started to study our new text, ‘Women in Science’ and thinking about the features of a biography. We have been enjoying getting to know our new teacher, Miss Dixon, and have also been busy preparing for the Harvest Festival next week.
Oldaport have had another busy week. On Monday, Year 6 enjoyed their trip Ivybridge Leisure Centre where they learned Junior Life Skills. We have been enjoying composing our own music to The Fresh Prince of Belair in our music lessons. In science, we have continued to learn about heart rates and how to record our data on a line graph. In Art, we started to evaluate our final pieces to explain what techniques we used and our thoughts about our pots. In English, we have been writing our own poems, inspired by Jackie Morris’ ‘I Am Cat’.
Oldaport have had a very busy week. On Monday, we enjoyed another cooking session with Mrs Readey and made some delicious carrot cookies. In science, we have been learning about heart rates and carried out an experiment to learn how exercise can affect out heart rates. In art, we decorated our pots and we are excited for them to dry to see our finished masterpieces.
Oldaport have had a busy week this week with lots of fun activities. On Monday, we enjoyed another cooking session with Mrs Readey, where we made bean burgers and buns. In English, we have been acting out our text ‘I Am Cat’ to help us remember the structure. In Art, we have started making our clay pots inspired by Grayson Perry – we are excited to show you photos next week once we’ve added our decorations.