'A family where we flourish and learn to be the best version of ourselves'
Welcome to Cornwood Church of England Primary School.
On behalf of the school, I would like to welcome you to Cornwood Church of England Primary School, at the heart of Cornwood Village.
Cornwood C of E Primary School is at the heart of our local community and we strive to work closely with families of the school and the local community to maintain a successful partnership that thrives on our values and vision. The school sits on a wonderful site in the middle of the countryside on the edge of Dartmoor. At Cornwood School, we make the most of outdoor learning opportunities, both in our school grounds and within the local area and further afield.
At Cornwood C of E Primary we want everyone to feel welcome and all our children to feel safe and supported no matter what challenges they face.
We care passionately about education and recognise that our role is to provide opportunities that will encourage the children in our school to become lifelong learners within an atmosphere of enjoyment, security and confidence. Our outstanding teaching and learning ensures effective learning will take place and children will be helped to become independent, responsible and respectful members of our school and wider communities. We strive to provide pupils with essential skills for life, such as communication, enquiry and problem solving, creative thinking, working with others, empathy and social skills.
All of this is underpinned by our values; compassion, trust, truthfulness, perseverance and forgiveness, which are consistently promoted by all adults and children.
Every school has its own ethos - that particular quality which, although difficult to define, permeates the life of the school. Staff and Governors firmly believe that ‘Every Child Matters’ and that each child deserves an equal opportunity to succeed whilst being a pupil at this school.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website – I hope you find it informative and that it gives you an overview of the wonderful learning and enrichment opportunities taking place here at Cornwood C of E Primary School.
If you would like more information about our school, or would like to organise a visit, please contact the school office and we will happily accommodate you.
Mrs Sara-Jane Baker
Executive Headteacher