Welcome to Class 2. This year we have Year 2, 3 and 4 children in our class.
Class 2 have had a great final (full) week with extra swimming, a trip, a spirituality afternoon and a double triathlon. What a fun way to finish a very productive year! In between times we have been finishing our French sequence, English story writing, art weaving and animation project using google slides.
Class 2 and year 3/4 have had a final busy week of finishing off our subjects through to final reviews of what we have learnt this year. it turns out it's quite a lot! In computing we have continued our animation project learning how to create short animations using different techniques and software from physically making objects out of plasticine to take photos of, to using google slides to create duplicate copies of pictures to manipulate. This may be a great project to continue over the summer as there are lots of different devices that can be used to create an animation effect.
Class 2 have enjoyed swimming again this week and begun to finish some of their afternoon subjects in preparation for the end of the year. In geography we have created posters showing what we have learnt about the equator, prime meridian and tropics and in science we have been using instruments to investigate pitch and volume and what these look like in terms of wave length.
Class 2 have been super busy this week completing their maths units for the year. As we couldn't swim we took the opportunity to double up on our maths lessons to finish off all our learning and complete our end of year assessments. This gives us plenty of time to consolidate anything over the next two weeks. In the afternoons year 3/4 have continued their animation project by stringing together sets of still images.
Class 2 have had another busy week and have enjoyed a few morning swimming sessions. In English we have begun to study a new text having finished our quest story. Our new text is called ‘The colours of history’ and explains how the range of colours we have today…from ultra marine to vermillion were discovered or invented. In the afternoons in RE year 3/4 have been exploring the concept of writing our own modern ‘10 commandments’. We also discussed in great detail the difference and similarities between religious rules and the rule of law. In art this week the year 3/4s have been learning the art of paper weaving.
This week we have been very busy learning how to create animations using individual photos taken on iPads. We made little models using plastercine and practiced how to move them little by little until they looked like they were moving. It was great fun but also trickier than we anticipated. In French we have been learning how to say our family’s members titles- such as sister, mother etc in French and using them to create a family tree.
Class 2 and year 3/4 have had a busy week trying to fit swimming in our already busy timetable. We have swam twice and remembered how much we love swimming! In our French lesson this week year 3/4 have begun to learn the words to describe members of our family - mother, father etc. We played a matching game in pairs to practice what we had learnt orally.
This week we have spent a lots of time finishing off all our topics and reviewing what we have learnt. We have also spent a lot of time discussing next terms swimming…which the children are very much looking forward to! In English we have been digging deeper into our class text and learning more about the authors style and in maths we have spent to week learning to tell the time and use it to solve various problems. This has proved to be our most tricky to master unit of work yet and so if you can practice this skill over the holidays this will be beneficial to your child.
This week we have had a topsy turvy week with year 3/4/5 completing their afternoon subjects in the mornings because of the year 6 SATs. On Wednesday we had a chocolate day where we learnt about and debated if chocolate was the most significant Maya discovery. We enjoyed tasting samples of how it was consumed in ancient Maya (in liquid form) and in more modern times (a solid bar).
This week the children have been enjoying studying a new text in English lessons called ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. It is a quest story and we have been acting out parts and predicting what comes next. We noticed lots of similarities between this story and ‘Mimi and the Mountain Dragon’ that we studied last term. In maths we have all now moved onto a unit about telling the time so please practice this skill at home with your child as it is very tricky to learn.
Class 2 have had a busy week researching all about their chosen significant person to create an interview style non fiction text. The children chose David Attenborough and were keen to learn more about what inspired him to become a biologist and a producer. In the afternoons the year 3s have carried on with some of their topics while the year 4s have been on residential. In music we have studied classical music this week and practiced identifying layers of musical instruments by listening carefully.
Class 2 have had a busy week learning more about the animals we are learning about in our new English text. We have completed lots of fun activities such as performing an interview and sorting noun phrases into the animals they describe. In whole class reading the class have enjoyed studying the first Paddington book and comparing it to the film that most of them have watched.
Class 2 have returned to school happy to see the sun and desperate to get onto the field to play. We have begun all new topics this week including studying a new book in English called Interview with a Tiger featuring interviews with lots of really interesting wild animals. The children have enjoyed learning about them and creating fact files and using clues to guess which animal they’re reading about. In maths the year 2 children have begun a unit about fractions by revisiting the basics of parts/wholes and equal/unequal learnt last year and the year 3 children have begun a unit about mass and capacity by practicing reading scales of various types accurately.
Year 3/4 have been busy this week completing all of their spring term projects. In RE they have completed their work on the significance of Passover to Jewish people and in geography we have completed our mapping unit by learning how to draw sketch maps of the school grounds using a key and compass points.
This week Year 1 and 2 have been printing from their collagraph plates in our Art lesson. The children have researched the work of the Inuit artist, Kenojuak Ashevak. We drew animals from the region and used the art elements of shape, line and pattern to create our images. The children really enjoyed blending colour with the rollers when applying the printing ink. What great results!
Year 3/4 had another successful forest school session this week, this time outside. Mr Hall set them the challenge to build the tallest tower with a birds nest on which after a bit of a unsuccessful start the teams quickly realised relied on team work as no one person could build the tower, hold it in place and secure the ties needed to hold it together. In art the children in year 1 and 2 have being drawing different animals.
Year 3/4 had great fun during a very productive forest school session on Monday despite the wet weather. We whittled butter knives, weaved wool butterflies and threaded beads to create colourful caterpillars. Great fun was had by all alongside learning how to keep ourselves safe using new tools.
Class 2 have been busy this week learning about the amazing environment of Mount Everest in English lessons. In maths year 2s have been learning about how to measure height and length whilst the year 3s have learnt about fractions and how to put these on a number line and count up and back. In the afternoons year 3/4 have continued their geographical study of maps by looking at lots of different types and comparing them.
Class 2 have been enjoying learning about Mount Everest and the amazing animals and people that live there while studying the features of their new non fiction English text. In maths the children have all started a new unit- the year 3s are now learning about fractions while the year 2s are learning about length and height.
In the afternoons the year 3/4 children have enjoyed starting their mapping unit in Geography by studying local features on OS maps and in RE we held a Shabbat ceremony to understand the significance of the day of rest for Jewish people.
Class 2 have been super busy this week finishing off all their topics. In English we have written poems about animals and in maths year 3 have been studying the purpose of measuring perimeter. The whole class also had a great time on number day investigating their 2 favourite things….money and sweets! In the afternoons year 3/4 have completed their science unit about electricity by designing their own investigation to learn more and in music we have learnt to play a simple tune on the melodica.
This week class 2 have been being very creative. We have analysed a poem about a polar bear and used it as inspiration, alongside videos to generate vocabulary to describe an Arctic fox. We then used this vocabulary to write our own class poem. In science the year 3/4 children have begun to learn about insulators and conductors and why it is important to know what material is each for safety.
Class 2 have been busy this week completing their sequence on Mimi and the mountain dragon by writing stories in a similar style. Today we began our new sequence all about the poetry of Matt Goodfellow. In the afternoons year 3/4 have been learning about how to make successful switches for a circuit. It was harder than we thought!
Class 2 have had another busy week both finishing old and starting their new maths topics. Year 2s have finished money and begun their new topic of multiplication and division and year 3's have finished multiplication and division and are moving onto measures. In the afternoon the year 3/4 group have made a list of covenants about how to be the 'best version of ourselves' just like Noah did to God after the flood.
Class 2 have been super busy this week learning more about their class text 'Mimi and the mountain dragon'. In the afternoon year 3/4 have continued to practice the skills of volleyball in PE. All the children began the lesson thinking the skills were easy but soon decided there was far more to it than they thought! It turns out getting a ball through a hoop takes much practice! In computing they have begun to learn how to set out spreadsheets by planning and playing a game of battleships.
Class 2 children have settled back into school well this week and have been keen to share all about their Christmas holiday and the lovely presents they received. We have started a new English text called Mimi and the Mountain Dragon by Micheal Morpurgo and in maths we have begun a study of money (y2s) and larger multiplication/division methods (y3s). On Wednesday the Year 3s really enjoyed their Indian themed dancing workshop and showed off some impressive co-ordination and sequencing skills.
Year 3/4 children have been completing their afternoon subjects this week by creating and evaluating experiments to show where condensation and evaporation occur in the water cycle. Year 2/3 have also been preparing a performance of ‘‘Twas the Night before Xmas’ (which is their class text) for parents to see on Facebook. We wish you all a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Class 2 have had a busy week making items to sell at the Xmas fayre and continuing their Xmas themed poetry lessons. We have had great fun learning more about the poem 'Twas the Night before Xmas' and clarifying old fashioned words and putting the verses in order.
Class 2 have just started their new English text, Twas the Night before Christmas’! Creativity was in great abundance, when they recited the poem with actions.
This week in science year 3/4 have been investigating what happens to liquids when they are frozen. They predicted what they thought might happen using their past experience of making ice pops or such like but we're also fascinated by the results of what happens to oil or ketchup!
Class 2 have had another lovely week. We have begun to practice skills in English lessons such as using conjunctions and ordering words when writing bout how to look after dragons. In science year 3/4 have been investigation the properties of certain materials that make them difficult to classify as a solid, liquid or gas.
Class 2 have had another busy week learning more about their new class text. We have role played and hot seated various characters and looked at how the author has set out each page. In maths we have continued to learn how to efficiently add and subtract increasingly larger numbers. In science in the afternoons year 3/4 children have begun a unit of work about states of matter and in geography we have started our topic all about the USA.
Class 2 have had a good start to the term beginning a new English topic all about having a pet dragon! Can you imagine! Our new class text called ‘Dare to Care for a Pet Dragon’ has some great, and not so great advice for those who think a pet dragon would be an awesome idea. The children have loved looking at the pictures, turning the text into actions and deciding if keeping a pet dragon would even be possible! In maths we have continued our addition and subtraction unit with more formal written methods in both year groups.
Class 2 have been busy this week finishing off and reviewing what they have been learning. In English we planned and wrote our own story and in science we created a poster to show all that we have learnt about magnets and forces. The children have worked very hard this term and deserve a well earned rest. I hope you all have a lovely half term.
Class 2 have had a lovely week continuing all their subjects. In music we have moved onto group performances which we have performed and evaluated. The children always enjoy playing the instruments and it is nice to see them now considering how to play them purposefully and carefully. In science year 3/4 have been investigating magnetic force through an investigation about friction and in year 1/2 the children have been learning how to efficiently use both hands to use the track pad on a chrome book.
Class 2 have been busy this week exploring our new class text in English. It is a 'be careful what you wish for' style story about a character called Grendel who wishes for everything he touches to turn to chocolate. Needless to say it all goes horribly wrong. The children have enjoyed mapping out the story, turning it into drama, hot seating the characters and thinking about their own wishes that may not work out the way that they thought! In maths we have started our second unit of learning for the year about addition and subtraction. Please practice with your child at home their number bonds to 10 (1+9, 2+8 etc) for year 2s and their number bonds to 100 (10+90, 20+80 etc) for year 3's.
Class 2 have had another lovely week continuing on with all their projects. In music we have been creating our own pieces of music alongside the song ‘Mama Mia’ by ABBA and in computing we have continued our quest to be the fastest typers!
On Thursday Year 3 had a fabulous time on the moors looking for clues about the bronze age settlement that used to be there thousands of years ago.
This week has been super busy for class 2. On Monday we had a great time learning some things about France and learning how to count to 10 in French. During the rest of the week we have continued our subjects by adding instruments to our group performances in music and learning about keeping ourselves safe online in computing.
Class 2 have had a super busy week this week. In English we have been writing a class story in the same style as the one we have been studying. In maths we have continued to learn about how to read, write and build increasingly larger numbers.
In music both year 1/2 and 3/4 have been learning to sing and play instruments along with a new song. The year 1/2 group have been studying the rock and roll genre with samples of Queen and the year 3/4 group have been studying contemporary music with samples of ABBA! Great fun!
The new year 2 and 3 have settled well into a new school year and begun to gel together as Class 2. Over the last few days we have spent time setting up our classroom and deciding our reward system for working hard. We have also started some of our topics. In English we are studying the story 'Daphne and the doughnuts' from the Book of Hopes and had great fun acting it out.
And we are...done! Class 2 have enjoyed their last few days squeezing in some swimming sessions and finishing off all their projects. We wish you all an amazing summer holiday and hope you all come back safely to us in September ready and raring to go for a new year.
Class 2 have had another busy week finishing off all their units for each lesson. In maths we have been learning to tell the time and in English we have been planning and writing a quest story! On Tuesday KS2 children had 2 special visitors who taught us more about life during WW2. They bought us lots of artefacts to look at including gas masks and ration books.
Class 2 have had another busy week learning some life skills in maths. The year 4 children have been learning to handle money while the year 2 and 3 children have been learning to tell the time. Any practice of these skills that you can do at home over the next few weeks will be very beneficial to your child. In history year 1 and 2 children put together a verbal presentation about one of the significant individuals who have contributed to the improvements of hospitals or medicine.
Class 2 have been busy this week in English where we have begun to learn about a new book called ‘Firebird’. It is a fantastic quest style story that has lots of twists and turns. The children have enjoyed picking out the carefully chosen vocabulary that the author has used and clarifying the meaning of words new to them. They have also enjoyed learning parts of the text by heart in order to learn the style of the author. In swimming we have begun to tick off our water skills ready to progress to the next level.
Class 2 have had a lovely week squeezing in a few lessons in between sports day, swimming and completing their final assessment papers. In computing the year 1/2 children have begun a new unit of work about using the internet safely and as a class we have also really enjoyed finally writing our own ‘King of the…’ story. The children had great ideas…everything from King of the colours to King of the circus.
Class 2 have had another busy week especially in English lessons where we have begun to plan and write our own 'King of the ...' story like the one we have been studying. We have really enjoyed thinking about the animals, colours, planets or other items that could be trying to find a leader and what challenges they might set each other. In swimming we have practiced some relay races in between learning a good technique for front crawl.
Class 2 have had another busy week. We have squeezed in as much swimming as possible and loved every minute of it. Please could everyone bring their kit everyday so that if we need to move a swim session to another day we can. In science year 3/4 have continued their study of plants by learning about the male and female parts of a plant and how each produces something to contribute towards a new seed.
Class 2 have had a super busy week completing some of this terms projects. In music the year 1/2 children completed their music unit by composing their own call and response song and the year 3/4 children used percussion instruments to create a performance alongside their chosen class song. In English we have continued to study the elements of our class test ‘ King of the Birds’ by studying the way the author uses a combination of the past and past perfect tense. We had a go at using past perfect tense to create sentences that explain the order in which 2 things were done. It was tricky but fun!
This week Class 2 have been super busy. The Year 2 children have patiently completed their SATs test demonstrating excellent perseverance and resilience and the year 3/4 children have begun to study a new story text in English called ‘King of the birds’ through hot seating activities. In Computing the year 3/4 children have continued their unit of study about safety and reliability of information on the internet and discovered some interesting information about which celebrities share their date of birth. In music year 2 children alongside the year ones have been learning the recorder! Lots of fun!
This week class 2 have been super busy creating their own journey story to enter into a writing competition in Ivybridge. We have imagined a journey through the past, into the future or even into space. We had lots of fun being creative about what we would hear or see in these times or places. In geography we completed a fieldwork investigation to discover if it rains more now than 50 years ago. We made rain collectors and used them to take rainfall measurements over a week to create a monthly average.
Class 2 have had a short yet busy week! In science and geography we have been planning our own enquiries about water. In Geography that would be in the form of measuring rainfall and in science we have studied how water moves around a plant by putting celery in coloured water. In English we have begun our invent part of our writing cycle and are imagining different types of journey around the world. We have been thinking about how we can use our senses to explain about the things we see, hear and feel.
With the Year 4s on their residential for the second half of the week class 2 has felt a bit quiet. The year 2’s and 3’s however have continued to be busy with their year group projects. In English we have practiced using our skills of description to create class book about a journey down a river including our own illustrations. In maths we have started a new topic about mass and capacity by learning how to read scales.
Class 2 have had a super busy week settling back into school and starting their new summer projects. In Geography we have begun a study of climate and climate change which links well to our science topic of plants. In English we have enjoyed learning about our new text….’The River’ which is a story poem. We have enjoyed mapping the text and learning parts by heart. In maths we have finished our fractions topic from before the holidays and are now moving onto measures for year 2/3 children and when they return from their residential, decimals for year 4’s.
What a busy week class 2 have had! Some of us in year 2 have been on a train and fallen in love with the Otters in Buckfastleigh and others of us in year 4 have been learning about the changes that puberty brings! We have spent a lot of time finishing off all of our projects including writing a biography about an historically inspirational person of our choice. We have also enjoyed several trips to the church to complete the stations of the cross activities. We also rounded off the term experiencing life as a Roman…which was lots of fun!
The children in Y3 and 4 were busy designers and bakers this week. They worked in teams to design a final idea for a Fairtrade cookie as part of their Design and Technology project. After carrying out market research with the help of Y6, part of the design criteria was that it had to be made for a Y6 SATS snack. The range of cookie ideas was exciting: fruit and chocolate, honeycomb and caramel, jam, chocolate and rocksalt and white chocolate and buttercream. Thank you to our Y6 taste testing team who gave Y3/4 some valuable feedback.
Well done Year 3/4 - they were delicious!
Class 2 have had another busy week squeezing in our normal subjects around a rather wet, muddy yet enjoyable forest school and Red Nose Day activities. In maths we have continued our learning about fractions, learning how to find unit and non unit fractions of a number and in computing we have learnt how to build 3D models of things small like furniture and large like whole islands! In English we have begun a new sequence learning about the significant contributions to society that women like Amelia Earhart or Marie Curie have made. We enjoyed a hot seating activity where we got to pretend to be these people and answer questions about our lives.In science we celebrated national science week by building huge food webs between local animals and finding out what happens if one part of the web disappears.
Class 2 have been busy this week finishing off their learning about how to write letters in English. We enjoyed learning how to write formal and informal letters and have produced pieces of work we are very proud of to be displayed. In Maths we have started to learn about fractions by thinking about what the words 'whole/part' and ‘equal/unequal' mean in relation to fractions. In DT on Monday we started to batch test our biscuit recipes which was a lot of fun!
Class 2 have had a great week this week with both dressing up for World book day and starting some new topics. In French we have been learning how to say, read and write 10 animals names in French and using these skills to solve puzzles. On world book day we had a talk from an author who showed us his new book and explained his writing process.
This week class 2 have been busy in lots of different ways with the children starting some new projects and continuing others. In English we have been learning how to use conjunctions to extend sentences for explanation and then using these to write letters to calm down confused animals! In science we have been using our observational skills to look at local wildlife and plant life and creating our own classification keys in the form of branching databases or Venn/Carroll diagrams.
Class 2 have been busy this week finishing off all of our afternoon projects. In music we have learnt more notation and another note. We now can play tunes and improvise with the notes B, A and G. In computing we have completed our unit in programming and learned how to use loop blocks to speed up our coding by making repeated commands automatic.
This week class 2 have begun to complete some of the topics from this term. In English we enjoyed writing our own version of the film 'The Girl and the Fox' and in maths we have been problem solving using our tables. In music Year 1/2 investigated Indian and Folk music and enjoyed finding the rhythm by dancing and composing a tune. On Friday, as it was Number Day we had maths activities linked to the book 365 penguins...helpfully this was made easier with the tables we have been learning in the rest of the week!
Class 2 have been really busy this week in all of our subjects including music where we have been learning to read music through playing the recorder. We have learnt all the skills necessary to play the recorder including the notes B and A. In computing we have been adding skills to our programming knowledge. This week we have learnt how to make our sprites speak alongside the text that the screen shows. In maths we have improved our multiplication knowledge by learning about what multiplication looks like using lots of different images.
This week class 2 have been experimenting with the language and sentence structure in our new class text Evie and the wild wood. We have enjoyed looking at the descriptive phrases and how the author uses a mixture of very long and very short sentences. In science we have continued to learn more about animals and their habitats and begun to think how these habitats and the adapted features the animals have can be used to classify them.
Class 2 have had a lovely week learning more about the book they are studying in English. It is called Little Evie in the Wild Wood and we have spotted lots of similarities to Little Red Riding Hood. We have also enjoyed learning more about how to play the recorder and write music. It took us a long time to master drawing a treble clef! In maths we have been investigating how to build 3D shapes using different resources.
Class 2 have jumped straight back into our learning this week by continuing our maths unit titled shape, space and position. We have been learning how to classify 2D shapes including how to find the lines of symmetry. In music we have started a new unit of learning about either different genres of music (Y2's) or how to play the recorder (Y3/4)
This week class 2 have been finishing off their autumn projects in computing and french alongside all the fun Christmas activities. In year 3/4 we have learnt how to create a band in Scratch using a mixture of movements, sounds and costumes and in year 1/2 we have learnt the basics of programming by predicting and planning routes for the Beebots to travel. On Monday in DT the children made the finishing touches to their carefully crafted hand made bags. As you can see they were very pleased with their efforts!
This week the children have worked very hard to complete rehearsals for our productions of Alice in wonderland. We have sung our hearts out and made our costumes ready for Thursday. In between these rehearsals we have begun a maths topic about shape and space. We started by looking at the vertices of 2D shapes. The year 2's linked them to 1/4 turns, the year 3s learnt that they were right angles and the year 4s learnt that an angle smaller than a right angle was acute and bigger than a right angle was obtuse!
This week class 2 have been super busy trying to squeeze in lessons between play rehearsals. We have been planning and writing a report about either the 'Battle of Britain' or 'The Space Race' ready to turn these into newspaper report next week. We have also decorated some lovely Christmas tree decorations to sell at the Xmas fair next week.
This week class 2 have been learning about the importance of looking after our teeth. In science we have studied why different animals have different types of teeth and predicted if they are a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore by looking at the ratio of teeth that they have. We have also liked this to our study of the Neolithic period in history discussing how people 5000 years ago would have tried to look after their teeth but probably lost quite a few and needed the wisdom teeth that so many of us today have to have removed because there isn’t room for them!
This week class 2 have been further immersing themselves in their new English text about The Great Fire of London. We have planned and made news broadcasts about the event as if we are eye-witnesses like Samuel Pepys. In maths we have been learning how to do column subtraction using a variety of resources, pictorially and then in numbers. It became tricky when we had to borrow between the columns to be able to make it work out! In science we have written a report about our different types of teeth.
This week class 2 have been really busy starting their new text 'The Great of London'. We have begun to learn about the causes and consequences of this historic event through the text created by Emma Adams. The text has fabulous sentence structure and vocabulary choices all of which we hope to learn and practice so we can use them too over the coming weeks. We started by walking the talk on Wednesday and turning part of the story into actions to learn by heart. In history we were very excited to open our box of Neolithic artefacts we have hired. We looked at which would be used by males and female during this period of time, what they would be used for and if they are a replica or real!
This week Class 2 have been very busy writing a themed story in English. Some children have written scary stories, some have written futuristic stories and some have written historical stories. We have nearly finished publishing these so we can bring a copy home. Look out for this in your child's bag as I am sure they would love to share it with you. In PE we have started to improve our basketball skills by learning how to dribble efficiently. Dribbling on the spot we found easy but when we had to move, we quickly found controlling the ball and making it go where we wanted were much more difficult!
Class 2 have been busy this week finishing off all their projects for this term. In Geography we have been completing fieldwork in the wind! Year 2 children completed a survey of the vehicles that pass through Cornwood during the day and concluded that there were a lot of cars and small vans but thankfully not lorries or farm vehicles! Year 3 and 4 completed a housing study to see if there was a pattern in the types of house built in Cornwood. They were interested to find that each road contained a majority of one type of housing or another except the oldest part of the village which was a complete mixture.
This week class 2 have been very busy learning how to use adverbs in their writing and number bonds in their mental calculation. In music we have nearly completed our sequence about 'Hey you!' or 'Lean on me' and put together some improvised performances. The children really enjoyed getting the instruments out to improvise a tune and the challenge of singing and playing at the same time!
Class 2 have been busy this week in science lessons planning and investigating a pattern seeking question. We devised our own question such as 'Do the tallest people have the longest legs? or Do people with the biggest heads have the biggest jaw bone?' and collected evidence to prove or disprove our hypothesis. In English we have continued to explore our new class text by adding more detail to the scenes and acting them out. We also thought about what questions we could ask the main characters to learn more about them and their motivations.
Class 2 have been very busy this week squeezing in some NFER assessments alongside our lessons. In geography we have been making decisions about where to build a settlement and thinking about the physical and human features that would be helpful for us such as high land for defence or flat land for farming. In science we learnt the scientific names of some of our bones.
This has been a short week but boy have we been busy! Class 2 have begun a study of the effect of good and bad nutrition on our bodies by studying and comparing the nutritional information of food packets. We discovered that there can be a big variation on salt, sugar and fat content between and range of crisps and discussed how to use the labels to make healthy choices. In computing we have been making branching databases by learning how to create repetitive yes/no questions.
This week Class 2 have been super busy improving their place value knowledge with games and different types of puzzles. We have been working on 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers learning how to read, write and construct them and then use this skill to win points in games or answer questions. In English we have had great fun imagining what our characters we have made might get up to in school and writing about their mischievousness. In PE we have been practicing the skills of dance with the Premier Sports Coach. It is lots of fun!
Class 2 have jumped in at the deep end this week straight into some of our new topics. In English we have been learning a short story all about how our toys go on adventures when we are asleep! We have learnt how to sequence the events in the story and begun to plan our own version. In Music, Year 3/4 have begun to learn the song 'Lean on Me' which studies change in pulse speed. We have learnt the first 2 sections and had great fun practicing movements alongside the music.