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Moorsway Federation


Curriculum Statement

PE Overview from EYFS to KS2

Curriculum Progression

Autumn Term 2024



EYFS enjoyed a ‘Multiskills’ unit where they have been developing a range of skills that can be applied across many games and PE sessions.  They have also enjoyed ‘Leap into Life’ sessions. EYFS have also participated in Gymnastics lessons, practicing sequences, balances and partner work.


Across KS1 our children have participated in swimming lessons at the local pool and they developed different strokes and distances for swimming. The children also enjoyed a Dance unit where they have demonstrated movements in different ways alongside technical moves such as arabesques.  



The children enjoyed netball lessons to develop control, accuracy and improving shooting and receiving. Children have also enjoyed Outdoor Forest school-type activities. Children have developed different swimming strokes and practiced self-rescue and rescue situations.



Across KS2 children participated in netball lessons, developing passing and throwing skills alongside the technical rules of the game. The children also participated in swimming lessons and developed competence and proficiency in longer distances.

Some of our children also participated in Tag rugby sessions where they developed tactical skills, speed and improving possession.

Summer Term 

Key Learning 

Summer 1


KS1: Hit, catch and run-  the children will work on a variety of ways to score runs in the different hit, catch, run games. 


Send and return unit, they will work in teams to field and begin to play the role of wicket keeper or backstop

Be able to track the path of the ball over a net and move towards it. They will begin to hit and return a ball using a variety of hand and racquet with some consistency.


LKS2: Tag Rugby -the children will handle a rugby ball with confidence and learn to evade attackers using footwork and body control.


Orienteering- they will learn to work with others to solve problems. To describe their work and use different strategies to solve problems and to lead other and be led


UKS2: Tennis- the children will develop backhand shots and introduce the lob. They will begin to use full tennis scoring systems. 


In tag rugby, they will choose and implement a range of strategies and tactics to attack and defend. They will combine and perform more complex skills at speed.


Summer 2


KS1: Dance- the children will challenge themselves to move imaginatively responding to music. They will work as part of a group to create and perform short movement sequences to music

LKS2: Volleyball-  the children will  perform a range of shots with accuracy and precision and demonstrate and implement rules.


Athletics- the children investigate different ways of performing running, jumping and throwing. Use a variety of equipment, ways of measuring and timing to compare the effectiveness of different styles of run, jump and throws


UKS2: Athletics- they will apply strength and flexibility to a broad range of throwing, running and jumping activities. Work in collaboration and demonstrate improvement when working with self and others

Rounders-  they will apply rounders rule consistently and play small sided games using standard layout. They will use a range of tactics for attacking, defending in the role of bowler, batter and fielder


Spring Term 


Key Learning

Spring 1


KS1:Forest school- Children will be learning skills associated with the outdoors: cutting, carving, weaving, building and fire safety.


Attack, defend and Shoot- During the first half the children will be learning the skills to attack, defend and shoot. They will practise basic movement and engage in competitive activities- thinking about way to refine body control and equipment


LKS2: Athletics and Volley ball- Within these units children will focus on controlled movements in response to instructions. Demonstrate agility, speed and coordination. Throw and hit a ball with accuracy.


UKS2: Rounders- In rounders, children will work collaboratively with a team to choose, use and adapt rules in the game.


Athletics- They will sustain pace over a short and longer distance. Run as part of a relay term and perform jumps and throws 



Spring 2:


KS1:Gymnastics -  Children will perform basic gymnastic sequences. Thinking about showing control when doing actions and performing  sequence which will include spins, rolls and begin to link them


LKS2: Forest school- Children will be learning skills associated with the outdoors: cutting, carving, weaving, building and fire safety


Handball: To develop and stop attacks by blocking. Pass and move with the ball to set up attacks within a game situation. 


UKS2: Gymnastics - In gymnastics, they will demonstrate accuracy, consistency and clarity in movement. Arrange their own apparatus to enhance work. 


Orienteering- To use information given by others to complete tasks and work collaboratively. To take responsibility for a role with a team. 




Autumn 2023


Key Learning

KS1 Gymnastics- Children will use simple gymnastics actions and shapes. Apply basic strength to gymnastic actions. Begin to carry apparatus. Recognise the actions and link them.


Attack, Defend and Shoot: Children will practise basic movements, including running, jumping etc and begin to engage in competitive activities.


LKS2: Handball- Children will show basic passing and catching skills. Learn basic defensive techniques. Implement the rules of handball.


Gymnastics- Children will modify actions independently using different pathways, directions and shapes. Consolidate and improve movements and gymnastic actions.


UKS2: Gymnastics - The children will be developing key elements to include in a sequence, including round-offs, rolls, symmetrical and asymmetrical balances. At the end of the unit they will work in groups to create and perform a sequence including all of these elements.



Autumn 2

KS1: Hit, Catch, Run- Children will be able to hit objects with a hand or bat. Track and retrieve a rolling ball. Throw and catch a variety of balls and objects.


Send and Return-  Children are able to send an object with increased confidence using hand or bat. Move towards a moving ball to return. Sending and returning a variety of balls.


LKS2- Tag Rugby- Children will handle a rugby ball with confidence. Evade attack using footwork and body control. Link skills to perform as a team.


0AA- Children will describe their work and use different strategies to solve problems. Lead others and be led. 


UKS2 Tag Rugby- Children will combine basic tag rugby skills such as catching and quickly passing gin one movement. Begin to play effectively when attaching and defending.


Tennis- They will be introduced to volley shots and overhead shots. Apply new shots into game situations. 
