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Cornwood C of E Primary School

School Meals

Eligibility to Free School Meals? 

To be eligible for free school meals parents must be in receipt of one of the following benefits: Income Support, Income Based Job Seekers allowance or Child Tax Credits where the family income is less that £16,190 per annum. If you feel you may be entitled to claim and are not already doing so, then please contact the school administrator for further information and details of how to apply. Each child eligible under the above criteria will attract a pupil premium of £1300 for the school, to help provide additional opportunities and support.


Universal Infant Free School Meals

From September 2014, all children in Class 1 will be entitled to receive a free school meal each day and initial indications are that the majority of children will take up this offer. Parents of all children joining the school will be asked to complete an application form, despite the automatic entitlement, to ensure that those children who would have been eligible under the original criteria above still receive the pupil premium

School Menus
