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Shaugh Prior Primary School


Welcome to Shaugh Prior Primary School.


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We are a busy and friendly school; with lots going on. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing up to date information for parents, pupils and the wider community.


Shaugh Prior Primary School lies at the Southern edge of the Dartmoor National Park, seven miles from Plymouth. At the far end of the village, the rivers Meavy and Plym meet at the picturesque setting of Shaugh Bridge.

The school serves the villages of Shaugh Prior, Wotter, and Lee Moor and the outlying areas. The villages of Wotter and Lee Moor are central to the China Clay Industry. Each village has a hall for local events. Wotter has a hotel and doctors surgery. Lee Moor has a large public hall and a recreation area. In the middle of Shaugh Prior is St Edwards Church and a Public house.

The school is part of the Moorsway Federation which is made up of three primary schools. We have one governing body and one Executive Headteacher. By being part of a Federation it allows the children to have wider experiences and work alongside other children.
Please use our website to find out more about us or contact the school directly. Contact details can be found through the contact button on this site.


We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find the information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.

Why choose to come to Shaugh Prior Primary?

We know that choosing a school for your child is one of your most important decisions. We are proud to offer:

    • A small personal school where each child is valued and is known to all the staff
    • An experienced team of dedicated and caring staff
    • A family ethos where everyone cares for each other
    • A broad and balanced curriculum combining excellence and enjoyment of learning.


Great News!! Before school care everyday!!

Our core values, agreed with the children, are 'Responsibility, Respect and Resilience.   We teach the children about British values -  democracy,  individual liberty, the rule of law, mutual respect and tolerance - during our assemblies and as part of our PSHE (Personal, social and Health Education) curriculum.

At Shaugh Prior Primary school, everything we do has the health and safety of the children as our first priority.  

Please click on the link below for Devon Safeguarding Children's Board.

The attached leaflet provides information and guidance for parents, visitors and supply staff.  You can download our Safeguarding Leaflet here:


Anti Bullying

Bullying of any kind is not tolerated at Shaugh Prior Primary School and reported incidents are taken seriously and dealt with according to the needs of the children involved including the need of the person who has experienced bullying. Support is always offered to every person who experiences bullying. All reported incidents of bullying are investigated and recorded.

Please click on the link to see our child-friendly anti bullying leaflet:


