FOSPS Egg-cellent Easter competition - £1 per entry
It was lovely to see so many entries into the Easter competition, we had chickens in nests, Easter bonnets, bunnies, drawings and weaving. A huge well done to all the children for entering into the fun. The judge had to make a very hard decision as all the entries were so good and the children had spent so much time on each entry. The overall winners were Archie W in Class 2 and Isaac L in Class 1. Many thanks to FOSPS for providing the prizes.
Red Nose Day – Friday 19th March
Thank you to our School Council for their ideas of dressing in red for £1, plus making and selling Red Nose cupcakes for 50p. Thanks to their great work and everyone’s support we managed to raise - £56.00
Mufti for MacMillian - 25th September 2020
As mentioned in last week’s newsletter we would normally be having a coffee morning and cake sale, but today all the children wore Mufti for £1 donation to this great cause.
Shaugh Prior raised £25 – well done everyone!
Harvest Donations
Thank you for your kind donations that have been brought in this week, they will be making their way to the Ivybridge Foodbank. Keep an eye on the Website and Facebook page for our Harvest Celebrations.
Children In Need
Well done Shaugh Prior Primary. We raised a grand total of £46.50 for this fabulous cause!
FoSPS - Friends of Shaugh Prior School
FoSPS News!
We are pleased to say that the FoSPS Zoom meeting was really well supported last week and lots of festive plans were finalised!
Thank you to everyone who has already donated a gift to our Secret Present Room (more gifts are welcome!) or asked for sponsorship for the Santa Run. The children will have a fantastic last week of term!
Thank you also to those who have already signed up for ‘easyfundraising’ - the donations have started to come in and the best thing is that it costs you nothing as the online stores make the donation! Please see the flyer attached.
We're pleased to confirm that we will be selling Shaugh Prior Christmas Mugs with a Chocolate Stirrer for just £5! These would make great Christmas gifts for family or friends. Again - please see the attached flyer for details of how to order. Thanks for your support!
FoSPS Santa Run
FoSPS have had a good start to the new academic year, despite the challenging times we are in! We are lucky to have such wonderful support from the school community! Thank you all!
The School has now taken delivery of the reading shed which we raised funds to purchase way back in 2019 and it will be in position and filled with lovely books after the Christmas break.
This has been a challenging year for fundraising, but thanks to some creative thinking and an outstanding effort from Mr & Mrs Wildgoose, we have been able to offer festive Shaugh Prior Hot Chocolate mugs for sale, which flew out the box in record time!
Our Santa run was a huge success and a whopping £673.70 so far has been raised for FoSPS! We will soon be asking the school for their wish list. Thank you to everyone who sponsored their runner as they helped Santa navigate obstacles to deliver the presents!
The PTA also supported the other Santa-related activities this week - a call from Santa, gifts for the children and the Secret Present room. Thank you to everyone who donated gifts to the Secret Present Room too - it was a great success! We couldn't do it without your support.
Now on to 2021...look out for the flyers for our Family-friendly Zoom Quiz in the New Year! We hope you will join in. One family per team, and there will be prizes! See the flyer for entry details.
Have a safe, happy and peaceful Christmas.
Jo Cooper (FoSPS Chair) and the Committee
FoSPS Family Quiz
On Friday 22nd January, 11 teams took up the challenge and met on Zoom for the FoSPS Family Quiz! They answered 97 questions across 7 rounds, with topics, such as Name that Logo, Disney Parents, True or False and an Emoji 'Name that Movie' round! It was a surprisingly close contest, but Team Ansell were the clear winners of a £15 Amazon voucher, with a marvellous 75 points. Thank you to all who joined in and supported this event - parents, grandparents, pupils and staff. Your support was much appreciated and we raised £40.00!
We have a new date for our postponed Bag2School collection - Wednesday 28th April 2021! Please pop the date on your calendar and keep on saving those unwanted/outgrown clothes, shoes, bags, curtains and bedding! Please ask Mrs Bruce if you require additional bags to fill, (we can use bin bags if needed) and don't forget to ask family and friends to collect for us too. The more we collect, the more funds we can raise! The FoSPS Committee |