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Cornwood C of E Primary School

Our Church Links

'A family where we flourish and learn to be the best version of ourselves'

Our Church Links


We enjoy regularly visiting our church and meeting with members of the church community. We get to take part in a range of activities and experiences that enrich our spiritual understanding of ourselves, others, the world and beyond. The school and the church are both at the heart of the Cornwood community and it is important that we continue to build relationships for future generations to be involved with. 

Stations of the Cross


Leading up to Easter, members of the church create a special experience for us to take part in where we are able to relive the moments leading up to and around Jesus' death.


Bells and Organ


The children had the opportunity to see the bell in the belfry and had an explanation of how and why it is rung. They were also able to use the handbells and had a go at playing a tune. The organist gave a short talk on the history of the organ, played us a hymn which we all joined in with and then the children were given the chance to play a few notes. 

Fair in the Square


Twelve children represented Cornwood primary school at the ‘Fair in the Square’. The children were absolutely amazing. Over the weeks the children have learnt how to dance around the Maypole including creating a spiders web, plait, gypsy tent and many more. We are really proud of every single one of them for persevering and being the best version of themselves

A big thank you to parents for their ongoing support, Mr Eva and Mr Smethurst for securing the pole and to Marylin and the team St Michael & All Angels Church, Cornwood for inviting us to perform. Go team Cornwood!!


Stained Glass Windows


We took the opportunity to visit the church and were accompanied by members of the congregation who shared the stories that were told through the images in the windows. The children then created a piece of art work about their favourite window and the story it depicted.


One of the windows depicts the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist - the words 'One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism' are shown alongside John the Baptist wearing white robes and Jesus.

At the age of 30, Jesus was baptised in the Jordan River by his cousin John the Baptist. Jesus was not baptised because He needed to repent of wrong but because He wanted to do everything that was right – He wanted to set a good example to others. He was baptised before he started his ministry (teaching others about God).


Flower Festival


Every other year the church holds a spectacular Flower Festival, this incorporates all community groups who are able to show off their talents and skills. The church is filled with an amazing aroma from the beautiful flowers and the sight of the superb creations. There is always a theme that we need to adhere to ranging from space to sport. Mrs Baker ropes in her mum to come up with something that the children can get involved with and she helps us to create a masterpiece in the Lychgate. 



We support the village Christingle and Nativity carol services with many of our children taking part in them. 
