Welcome to our Governors' section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Welcome to Moorsway Governing Body Page
All governors at Moorsway Federation are fully committed to their very important role.
The governing body has three core functions:
We carry out these functions in a variety of ways throughout the year.
The governors attend 6 Full Governing Body meetings each year, where we focus on core functions, as well as Financial, Personnel and Premises matters. These meetings are always well attended.
The Executive Head teacher provides a very detailed report each term and welcomes challenge from the governors.
All governors make visits into school, throughout the year, to monitor the School Development Plan (which is the strategic plan for the school). Written reports of the visits are then circulated to all governors.
Governors are expected to attend Training Courses to develop their knowledge and skills.
Governors also attend the various school events throughout the year. These visits enable the governors to participate fully in the life of the school.
We welcome any questions from children, staff, parents and the community and can always be contacted by email, through the clerk to the governors by emailing Marie Jarvis at clerk@moorsway.devon.sch.uk
We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.
Governing Board Meetings
Meetings held by the Moorsway Governing Board are Open Meetings.
This means anyone is able to attend the meetings as an observer but cannot contribute to the meeting.
If anyone would like to attend the Governors meetings please contact the Clerk by emailing clerk@moorsway.devon.sch.uk.
Moorsway Federation Governors Meetings 2023-24 | |||||||
Date 14/09/23 | Date 10/10/23 | Date 21.11.23 | Date 29.1.24 | Date 26.3.24 | Date 23.4.24 | Date 11.6.24
| Date 8.7.24 |