Safeguarding & Child Protection
Moorsway Federation is committed to providing a safe, caring and welcoming environment where every child is able to reach their full potential free from harm, abuse and discrimination. All staff and volunteers are expected to carry out their safeguarding responsibilities effectively and recognise that high self- esteem, confidence, peer support and clear lines of communication with trusted adults helps all children, especially those at risk of or suffering abuse, to thrive.
We will therefore:
- Establish and maintain an ethos where children feel safe, secure, valued and respected, and ensure they feel confident and encouraged to talk, believing they will be effectively listened to.
- Ensure that children know that there are adults in the school who they can approach if they are worried or are in difficulty.
- Provide a systematic means of monitoring all children and those known or thought to be at risk of harm, and ensure we, the schools, contribute to the assessments of need and support for those children.
- Included in the curriculum are activities and opportunities for PSHE which equip children with the skills they need to stay safe and / or communicate their fears or concerns about abuse.
- Ensure that every effort will be made to establish effective working relationships with parents and colleagues from other agencies.
- To ensure that all staff or volunteers working within our schools who have any access to children have been checked as to their suitability, including verification of their identity, qualifications and a satisfactory DBS check (according to guidance).
How can parents help with keeping children safe?
- Make sure all addresses and contact numbers are up to date
- If someone different is picking your child up, please let us know
- Be at school on time every day.
- Notify the school about your child’s absence – unexplained absences are a key trigger for concern
- Share any concerns you may have about another child with a member of staff or one of the designated child protection team
Moorsway Federation Child Protection Team:
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Penhallurick - The Erme
Mrs Baker - Shaugh Prior
Mrs Newman - Cornwood
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
Mrs Baker
Mrs Newman
Mrs Penhallurick
Mrs Moss
Mrs Aldridge
Miss Gilberthorpe
Mrs Pasmore
Mrs Williams
All Child Protection staff can be contacted via any of the school offices