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The Erme Primary School

Mothecombe Class

Welcome to Mothecombe Class

Year 1 and 2 

Mrs Pasmore and Mrs Sims


Week Ending 22nd November 2024

Mothecombe have enjoyed being creative in DT and exploring different ways to join the materials together. We investigated which ways created the strongest join in preparation for designing our bridges. In maths we have started our new unit on shape and have learned the names of some common 2D and 3D shapes. We then worked on our oracy skills to describe our hidden shape to a partner thinking about edges, face shapes, corners or vertices. In PSHE we have continued to look at how all our families are different and developed our listening skills by listening to our friends explain what they like doing with their families. In English we have focused on our presentation whilst developing our SPAG skills. 

Week Ending 15th November 2024

Our mini Mothecombe geographers were in action yesterday. We went for a local walk and spotted human and physical features before conducting a traffic survey near our school. We have also looked at compass directions and directed our friends around. Then a quick stop to play in the park. In maths we have been exchanging when subtracting a one-digit number from a two-digit number. This is a tricky concept but they have shown great resilience. In PSHE we have looked at how our families care for us and how we care for them.

Week Ending 8th November 2024

Mothecombe have enjoyed practically and pictorially adding two 2-digit numbers together. They have been able to transfer these skills to written calculations. In English we have been thinking about us, our likes, family ages etc in order to write a letter about ourselves similar to our text we have been focusing on. In PSHE we have been looking at who cares for us and how all families are special and different. It has been lovely to share our learning from last term with our parents during our class assembly too. 

Week Ending 25th October 2024

Mothecombe enjoyed celebrating the end of the half term with a fun swimming session as well as performing in the Harvest Festival. In class we have completed all of our foundation units of work by completing quizzes to check our knowledge. In maths, we have been subtracting from 10 and noticing patterns with the ones eg: 10- 3 = 7 therefore 40 - 3 is 37. In English, we have focused on spotting verbs and creating expanded noun phrases.

We hope you all have a lovely half term break.

Week Ending 18th October 2024

We all had a blast during our Reading Day. We met two authors who shared with us their journeys to becoming an author and some of their books. We enjoyed making emotion jars with Clare Helen Welsh. We also made happy hats and learnt about how a sofa troll was invented by Paul Jacobson. We also enjoyed shared reading in the library as well as becoming illustrators and following step by step instructions to draw a sausage dog character. In music, we created our own lyrics to ‘Hey You’ which caused lots of giggles and in history we hot seated as an explorer. This week we have been exploring our new text in English looking at different families. We also baked some delicious scones with Mrs Readey. What a great week!

Week Ending 11th October 2024

Mothecombe have been immersed in Fairy tales this week from Jack in the Beanstalk to Cinderella and everything in between. They have used their knowledge of these fairy tales to create their own mixed-up fairy tale books including illustrations. Please click the QR code to watch some. In maths they have been making fact families and adding and subtracting one-digit numbers from a 2-digit using a range of methods. They have also been increasing their recall speed of their number bonds to 10 and applying this to know their number bonds to 100. Mothecombe have also had a cookery lesson with Mrs Readey and made delicious berry muffins to take home.  

Week Ending 4th October 2024

Mothecombe have enjoyed our new English unit, Mixed Up Fairy tales. We have focused on stamina in our writing as well as spotting nouns, verbs and adjectives in our text. In Maths we have been challenging one another at our number bonds to increase our recall speed. During PE, we have been creating mini sequences including travel, jumps and rolls as well as developing our skills to work in a group. We have also been creative and made our Christmas cards … yes, I know it’s October but keep an eye out in bags for our designs which will be available for you to order!

Week Ending 27th September 2024

Mothecombe have blown me away this week with their positive learning attitudes and dedication to their presentation in particular. They have been really focused on handwriting tasks and as a result are beginning to write some words cursively. In Maths we have been analysing number lines and locating given numbers on them. In RE year 1 and 2 have been looking at how everyone cares for one another and looked at how the foodbank helps lots of people and why they do this. In music we have continued to play the glockenspiel with increased accuracy. 

Well done, everyone!


Week Ending 13th September 2024

This week, year 2 have settled into our new morning routines really well. Everyone is showing great resilience with their work and we are blown away with how quietly everyone is working. In maths we have been looking at representing numbers in different ways, thinking about how many tens and ones are in the number. In English we have been using short video clips to provide us with ideas to write sentences using capital letters, full stops and small handwriting. In the afternoon we have enjoyed PE and learning about Sir Francis Drake and how he circumnavigated the world. 

Week Ending 6th September 2024

Mothecombe class have had a great time back at school. We have produced Autumn paintings, created 'mixed up' animals and written about our summer holidays. 

Well done everyone for settling in so well! 



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Here is a selection of Mixed Up Fairy Tales written by some of the children in the class. The book we read has flaps so that you can create your own mixed up story. Everyone has found this book exciting and amusing and they have really enjoyed creating their own. The children are also looking forward to sharing them with their parents at the upcoming parents evening.

Example 2

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Example 3

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Example 4

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Example 5

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