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The Erme Primary School

Mothecombe Class

Welcome to Mothecombe Class

Year 1 and 2 

Mrs Pasmore and Mrs Sims



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Here is a selection of Mixed Up Fairy Tales written by some of the children in the class. The book we read has flaps so that you can create your own mixed up story. Everyone has found this book exciting and amusing and they have really enjoyed creating their own. The children are also looking forward to sharing them with their parents at the upcoming parents evening.

Example 2

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Example 3

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Example 4

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Example 5

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This week Mothecombe have used known nursery rhymes and improvised to create our own lyrics. Here is their favourite version!

Week Ending 10th May 2024

Mothecombe have had great fun becoming a Body Percussion Orchestra. They have demonstrated great restraint to make noises in set rhythms using their hands, feet and mouth resulting in us all being able to accompany a song. In English we have been focusing on writing our shared write and they have continued to focus on their word choice and presentation. In maths year 1 aced their end of multiplication and division assessment and are excited to move onto fractions. Year 2 have been persevering to find fractions of amounts which is proving tricky. In history they have been comparing the beliefs and achievements of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King.

Week Ending 3rd May 2024

Mothecombe have focused on their presentation and handwriting this week and lots of their work is unrecognisable from earlier work. In English they have been focusing on grammar looking at adjectives and noun phrases. In maths year one have finished their unit on multiplying and dividing with doubling items around the school and year 2 have been investigating thirds. We had great fun during our new music unit on body percussion and everybody showed great control watching the conductor to stay in time and to stop on queue.

Week Ending 26th April 2024

This week Mothecombe have loved starting our new English unit on Daisy Doodle and we are excited to be investigating the book, we even played word bingo. Year 2 have started to explore fractions in maths while year 1 have been looking at arrays and making equal groups. In science we have set up experiments linked to plants and are observing them over time to see their progress. We have also enjoyed thinking about comics and using the computers to create comic strips.

Week Ending 28th March 2024

This week Mothecombe have enjoyed using glockenspiels to perform our song from Imagination. We have also completed our computing unit on digital art where we have looked closely at pixels and created our own images. In Geography and RE we have recalled lots of facts about the UK and Judaism. We have also shown great resilience during our end of term maths and reading assessments.

I hope you have a wonderful Easter and I look forward to hearing all about your adventures.

Week Ending 22nd March 2024

In Mothecombe this week we have enjoyed learning a traditional Irish dance as part of our geography learning. In English we have been planning our class text on dogs, thinking about statements, commands, questions and alliteration. In maths we have been continuing our measure units and focusing on mass - we have enjoyed weighing different objects in class. In music we have finished our Imagination intro and enjoyed having a go at playing the tune on glockenspiels.

Week Ending 15th March 2024

This week Mothecombe have enjoyed being taught some lessons from our trainee teacher Miss Day. Miss Day is with Mothecombe class until the end of June for her final teaching practice before qualifying. In English we have started our new text Creature Features which is all about dinosaurs. In maths year 1 have started their unit on measures where we are looking at length and height whilst year 2 have started looking at mass. In geography we have been looking at Scotland and what tourist attractions it has to offer as well as their traditions.

Week Ending 8th March 2024

This week Mothecombe have enjoyed planting sunflower seeds in preparation for Down Syndrome Day. We learnt more about the condition and celebrated how we are all unique and different. In English the children have completed their own versions of the story Fatou Fetch the Water. In maths year 1 have been looking at numbers on a number line whilst year 2 have begun to look at measuring in cm and m. In PE we began our gymnastic sequences looking at front and back bends and releve walking. 

Week Ending 1st March 2024

This week the children have been working hard planning their stories in English. They have been using the structure of the story ‘Fatou Fetch the Water’ as inspiration for their own writing and we have been impressed with how they have been adding adjectives to give more description to their stories.
In Maths they have been counting in 5’s and 10’s and the year 2s have been learning about multiplying and dividing numbers. In Science we have started our new unit on plants and look forward to sorting plants into different categories.

Week Ending 23rd February 2024

Mothecombe have returned this week with a great 'can do' attitude. In English we have been focusing on grammar and writing sentences containing exclamations and questions; year 2 have also included speech. Their handwriting has improved immensely and this is now showing in all of their writing in all subjects. In Maths year 1 have been looking at finding the difference in a range of ways and year 2 have been using their knowledge of the 2 times table to solve problems. In RE we have started our new unit on Judaism and have all enjoyed finding the hidden picture objects in our classroom.

Week Ending 2nd February 2024

This week in English we have been incredibly impressed with everyone’s slime instructions. The creativity of their own slime and the noticeable improvement in spellings has been amazing! We have been looking forward to making our smoothies in DT. We have been thinking about food that is both nutritious and delicious and the children are excited to include some super healthy fruit in their smoothies. In Science, the children have been learning about which months are in the different seasons as well keeping an eye on what the weather patterns are in the changing seasons.

Week Ending 26th January 2024

This week more handwriting certificates have been flying out of my hands; I am blown away with everyone’s resilience with their handwriting and can’t wait to give out more next week. In English we have been planning, making and writing our class write on slime. In maths year 2 have been focusing on money and using coins and notes to find amounts. It would be great if over the weekend they could put this into practice when in a shop! If anyone manages this, please send me a photo for our display. Year 1 have been locating numbers on a number line starting at different positions. In history we looked at what toys are made from and how this has changed over time.

Week Ending 19th January 2024

This week Mothecombe have had a real push on handwriting. The children's perseverance and resilience to improve their writing has been amazing and it was a delight to hand out our 4 handwriting certificates on Wednesday. In maths year 2 have completed their shape unit and have focused well on their 2, 5 and 10 times table practice. In RE we have been looking at forgiveness and how Christians may ask for forgiveness. We all had an amazing time at Forest School this week where we took part in some team games and craft activities. Everyone has been working super hard in our phonics sessions and as a result our reading and spelling has amazed me this week.

Week Ending 12th January 2024

Mothecombe have shown great attitudes to their learning this week, especially with getting to grips with our new Little Wandle phonics scheme and reading sessions. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at Forest School on Monday and the team-building skills being used made me incredibly proud! In maths, year 1 have completed their shape unit by looking at patterns whilst year 2 have been focusing on lines of symmetry and the properties of 3D shapes. In English, we have been investigating features of our book on slime and exploring different types.

Week Ending 5th January 2024

Welcome back Mothecombe! We have got stuck straight into our new units of work. We are working really hard to develop our resilience to improve our productivity in all lessons. We have enjoyed our digital art unit in computing, where we have been looking at colouring pixels to copy a picture. In maths we have recapped our knowledge about 2D and 3D shapes and focused on vertices. In English we have focused on our speaking and listening skills to share about our Christmas holidays. We thought about what we ate, received, gave and who we celebrated with. 

Week Ending 15th December 2023

Mothecombe, it is nearly Christmas! We have completed our nativity with a dress rehearsal and two performances to our families. You twinkled, sparkled, sang and glittered throughout. Some of us visited Beaconville Nursing Home and added a Christmas cheer to their residents by sharing our nativity songs. Other members of the class made decorations for the residents at school ready to be delivered. We also had some special gifts delivered early by Santa after watching a special video. We received some fab new games for choosing time and wet play. Shhhh… we had a sneaky try of them already! We wish you all a safe and merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in 2024. Best wishes from All of The Mothecombe Team.

Week Ending 8th December 2023

This week Mothecombe have shown perseverance with their end of unit tasks. In maths we have completed our addition and subtraction units as well as our end of term assessments. We have enjoyed practising our Carol service in the church as well as our nativity rehearsals. We got very excited when we turned on the stage lights and are looking forward to our dress rehearsals to the other classes on Monday … we will shine and sparkle!


Week Ending 1st December 2023

Wow! What a week Mothecombe have had. We have all written amazing stories following the same structure as our text, No Bot. I have been blown away with everyone's resilience and perseverance when applying their phonics skills to their own stories. In maths we have been concluding our subtraction and addition unit by using all our number bond skills and strategies we have learnt to solve a range of questions. In RE,

 we enjoyed comparing how babies are celebrated in Christian families and Muslim families. In science we have been looking at how much exercise we need to stay healthy. 


Week Ending 24th November 2023

Mothecombe have been singing their hearts out practising our Nativity songs and are making fantastic progress - we can't wait to share it with you all. In maths, year 2 have been counting in tens and finding 10 more or 10 less whilst year 1 have been investigating part and whole models. In English we have been writing our shared class story where Bernard loses his arm. In geography we have continued to compare Nairobi and where we live. In science we are looking at balanced diets and sorting food into different food groups. We have also enjoyed baking cinnamon swirls with Mrs Readey.

Week Ending 17th November 2023

This week Mothecombe have worked hard to write questions and exclamations about Bernard the Robot. In maths we have been looking at using our number bond knowledge to support us in adding two numbers together. In Geography we enjoyed comparing the life of a child in Nairobi and the things in our own life. In science we have been looking at what animals need in order to survive linked to our life cycle last week.  We have also enjoyed looking at the sculptor Racheal Whiteread and exploring her work using our sketch books.

Week Ending 10th November 2023

Mothecombe this week have enjoyed learning our new text No Bot. It is a very amusing text so please ask your child what happened to Bernard the Robot! In maths, we have been exploring part-part whole models and looking at writing addition number sentences. Year 2 have also been investigating how we recall the 2 times table. In geography, we have been looking at the climate in Nairobi and boarding a virtual aeroplane to experience the views you have as you fly from London to Nairobi. 

Week Ending 3rd November 2023

Mothecombe have returned this week with a more mature attitude towards their learning. They have blown me away this week with their stamina for independent writing during our final writing of our non-fiction text about a chameleon. We have focused on handwriting and ensuring we start our letters at the top of the letter. In maths both year groups have enjoyed the practical element that has introduced our new units of Addition and Subtraction. We have also been focused on our fluency this week and have been counting with actions in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. The children have loved this - I am sure they would like to show you at home if you ask them! In RE we have begun looking at communities and the type of communities we belong to as well as how this makes us feel.

Week Ending 20th October 2023

What a busy week we have had in Mothecombe. 

In English we have been learning about using joining words and writing sentences using the words 'when' and 'if'. We have started to write a class non-fiction page about different mammals such as polar bears, including all sorts of weird and wonderful facts.

We have finished our science unit on animals including humans and wowed Mrs Eatwell with all the things we had remembered about the five different animal groups and their different features.

We enjoyed performing our harvest festival songs to the parents in the church on Thursday too.  Have a lovely half term, Mothecombe!


Week Ending 13th October 2023

What an exciting week we have had in Mothecombe this week. We have all enjoyed taking part in Balanceability; everyone has grown in confidence as the week has developed and showed great resilience as the challenges increased in difficulty. We have been so quiet during our reading time in our reading boats that we have had 2 special visitors. In maths, year 1 have been comparing numbers whilst year 2 have been looking at number lines and spotting mistakes. In English, we have been thinking of questions linked to our non-fiction text. We have been working super hard to win our class jewels in our treasure chest and we have almost reached our magic number of 20 for our class reward. Will we be lucky enough to win it before half term?

Week Ending 6th October 2023

This week Mothecombe have taken part in our first intra sports competition where they played a small game of football rounders against different teams. The winning overall teams will now play at Cornwood against our other 2 schools. In English we have started our new book, Hot and Cold. This is a nonfiction book; we have learnt sections of the book with actions and discussed what our likes and dislikes are. In maths we have been practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s with actions. We have also been looking at more and fewer with year 1 and where numbers are on a number line with year 2. The children really enjoyed history this week where we have sequenced the events of the Great Fire of London onto a timeline. 

Week Ending 29th September 2023

Mothecombe have shown great maturity this week. Year 1 have enjoyed writing the story of The Three Little Pigs while year 2 have innovated the story and created one about The Three Little Blackbirds. In maths, year 1 children have been counting forwards and backwards and year 2 have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones. In science the children have been classifying animals and looking at what they eat. Mothecombe's attitude to their swimming this week has been wonderful and they are all growing in confidence week on week.

Well done to them all in what has been a challenging week.


Week Ending 22nd September 2023

This week, Mothecombe have enjoyed doing some practical maths linked to counting and place value. In English, we have focused on perseverance and using capital letters and full stops in year 1 whilst year 2 have been using noun phrases. At swimming, everyone showed more confidence in the pool and it was lovely to see the whole class swimming across the pool with varying flotation aids. I have set the class a challenge to be able to be changed back into their uniform at a quicker time next week. If you can help us with this by encouraging your child to change independently over the weekend, we would really appreciate it! We all had a marvellous day during French day where we created flags, counted in French, created towers in DT, tasted food and wrote our postcards. 

Week Ending 15th September 2023

Splish, splash, we had a great first swimming session! Everyone entered the water and swam across the pool using a range of floats and noodles. The children were buzzing all the way back to school and the countdown to next week is definitely on. We have enjoyed sorting objects this week and year 1 and year 2 have tackled number tracks with confidence. In English we compared 3 versions of The Three Little Pigs in different locations in the school. We compared the similarities and differences between the versions. We enjoyed learning new skills in our African Dance Workshop. In Science we have been thinking about our bodies and using our senses. The children enjoyed exploring the world around them and thought about which parts of their bodies they use for each sense.

Week Ending 8th September 2023

Wow Mothecombe, you all arrived looking so smart and grown up ready to begin learning. We are so impressed with how you have settled into our class. We have practised lots of routines and shared our holiday adventures. In History we have started to think about The Great Fire of London and what we know are fires and London. We have also done some retrieval of facts that we learnt last year. In English we have written about our holidays to share with our friends and we have explored some maths games linked to counting.
Well done everyone, a fantastic start to the new year.
