Safeguarding and e-safety
Safeguarding & Child Protection
All staff receive appropriate training at regular intervals. We have excellent recruitment procedures; every member of staff has full checks as do visitors, regular volunteers, supply teachers and governors. We have policies and practices that focus on ensuring the health and well-being of the children, for example: risk assessments before every class trip, an annual safety check of our playground, a medicines in school policy.
We have well-established ways of monitoring and responding to incidents of concern, for example: unexplained absences, difficult behaviour and significant changes in physical or emotional appearance. The ethos of the school is open so that staff, parents and children feel able to share concerns. Parents who volunteer on a regular basis (at least once a week) will be asked to undertake full DBS checks.
How can parents help with keeping children safe?
Child Protection Team:
Mr Hall, Mrs Baker, Mrs Newman, Miss Gilberthorpe, Miss Askew
All Child Protection staff can be contacted via the school office: 01752 892247
Devon Safeguarding Children Board:
Within the Moorsway Federation, we take the eSafety of our young people very seriously and aim to deliver a high quality curriculum which will equip them with the skills and the integrity needed to stay safe online in the modern world. If you have any questions or require any further support please see your child's class teacher.
Please click on the links below for further information:
New Information from the The UK Safer Internet Centre
The UK Safer Internet Centre website contains really useful tips, advice and resources for professionals and parents to help children and young people have a safe and positive time online.
There are some good sources of information and advice for schools and parents:
The Professionals Online Safety Helpline is available Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm
Call 0344 381 4772 or email
Parent Info is a free web service providing information to parents and carers.
Advice from NSPCC on social networks, apps and games.
A non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.