Year 3 and 4
Mr Stubbs
Riverside are beginning to think of ideas for their next big write. The class will be planning a shared write based on an interview with an elephant. Year 4s started the week really looking forward to their trip and were excited for all the activities planned; I hope they had a great time!
In DT, the class have generated ideas for a framed structure. Their ideas are for a model of a playground shelter. They have created clear diagrams and listed all the materials needed to make the structure.
Well done Riverside!
Riverside had the opportunity to showcase their art work as part of a parent assembly. They talked about their landscape and portrait artwork.
In English, they have read and compared two interviews from the new text. They have also played the role of interviewer and interviewee and performance read the interviews. They have continued to work hard as they explore their new units. Year 4s are looking forward to the residential next week. Well done, Riverside!
Riverside have settled in really well for the summer term. They have started their new topics and are working really hard. In English, they have been introduced to the new book 'Interview with a Tiger' by Andy Seed. They have learned how to write effective open-ended questions that they would ask a wild animal.
On Wednesday they had an eventful and exciting trip to a farm. They learned how to clip the lambs’ tails and how to number them, they even witnessed the birth of a lamb and enjoyed holding and stroking them. They also fed and watered the ewes and developed an understanding of why farming is so important. It was a very interesting day and all of the children were excellent!
Riverside had an adventurous final Forest School afternoon in the woods. They had the chance to make a fire, toast marshmallows, build dens and take part in a small group bird and egg matching activity. They have completed their poems inspired by our English text and were very enthusiastic about sharing them with the rest of the class. They did themselves and the whole school proud during the Easter Service performance in church.
Have a wonderful Easter, Riverside. Well done on all your hard work!
Riverside have a lot to look forward to before the end of the spring term. We are practising our songs ready for the Easter service. Some members of the class also enjoyed taking part in the Tag Rugby competition today. In English, the class are planning and preparing to complete their next independent big write - a poem about an animal.
In Art they have continued to explore creating self-portraits inspired by the works of Frida Kahlo. They used colour mixing and brush stroke techniques to add colour to their portraits. They have worked extremely hard throughout the term.
On Tuesday, we welcomed a new Year 4 child to Riverside. The class have continued to study animal poems in English and are enjoying practising writing their own poems. In Guided Reading, the class have been reading extracts from stories that focus on how to cope with different feelings and emotions.
In Geography, the class have been studying a map of Ivybridge to identify four-figure grid references. They identified places around the town including our school. There is so much to look forward to, including the Easter Service in the final week.
Riverside have enjoyed writing poems about animals linked to our new English text. Their poems include alliteration, descriptive language and rhyming words. They have brought in rocks and crystals linked to our science topic and shared them with the class. This term, they have enjoyed learning outdoors in Forest School. They also had the opportunity to learn outdoors in Geography. After labelling the eight points of a compass, they used one to identify what direction certain features are in relation to the KS1 playground.
Riverside enjoyed their first Forest School session on Monday. It was bright and sunny and everyone was happy and joining in with various activities.
In English, the class have been introduced to their new text, a book of poems titled Carry Me Away.
In RE, we celebrated a traditional Jewish festival called Shabbat. The class prepared the table and enjoyed Challah bread with their squash. We listened to a traditional Jewish song and reflected on the experience. The class enjoyed trying the sweet bread and they were grateful for the experience.
Riverside have had a very busy first week back. They have been introduced to all the new topics and they are looking forward to starting Forest School next week.
They have completed a very creative shared write based on our class text and are now working on their independent write. In Art, they are working on portraits and, as always, have demonstrated their unique talents as sketchers and artists. Great start, Riverside!
Riverside have had another successful half term. They enjoyed Number Day last week and enjoyed the ‘smarter shopper’ activity.
They are starting to plan a fictional story for their next big write and have looked at writing prepositional phrases and identifying missing apostrophes. In Maths, they are developing their understanding of measurements, length and perimeter.
Well done, Riverside. Have a wonderful half term.
Riverside are enjoying their new English book, Mimi and the Mountain Dragon. They have described characters, and performed and written examples of speech. They have worked hard all term and it is hard to believe how quickly January has gone. In Computing, the class learned how to create charts on a spreadsheet. They used the results of their TTRS practises and converted the data into their own customised chart.
Well done, Riverside!
Riverside will be creating an exciting project for Design and Technology. They are going to be creating a moving poster all about sustainability and being more eco-friendly.
They have created detailed and imaginative sketches as part of their planning. They had the opportunity to build a template using levers and fixed and loose pivots. They enjoyed making the templates and can’t wait to make their finished product.
They have completed their big write and will soon be introduced to the new text, Mimi and the Mountain Dragon.
Riverside are working hard with every new bit of learning they undertake. They are enjoying the extracts from a Series of Unfortunate Events which are now part of our whole class guided reading. They are researching the Amazon Rainforest in preparation for their next big write in English. In Computing, they are learning how to create spreadsheets and exploring what they are used for. This week, they learned how to highlight cells and to prepare a game with their table partners.
Well done on all your hard work, Riverside!
Riverside have quickly adapted to our new approach to guided reading which is now following a whole class approach. They read an extract from the first chapter of A Bad Beginning which is part of the Unfortunate Events book series.
In D&T, they are going to be creating a moving poster on sustainability. They created their own template using pulleys and levers.
In Science, they are exploring electricity and how electrical items work. Well done on another great week of learning, Riverside.
Riverside have made an excellent start to the new term and the new year. It was wonderful welcoming them back to school after Christmas. It has been an eventful first week back. Both Riverside and Oldaport had the opportunity to take part in an Indian Dance Workshop. They developed their understanding of the culture behind this type of dance and its links with Hinduism. They had an hour each to rehearse and practise an Indian dance routine. All the children enjoyed the dancing and music and also had the chance to think of a short, paired routine to conclude the dance.
Well done Riverside. Here is to a successful and happy 2024.
Riverside have had a wonderful end to the autumn term. They enjoyed the KS1 Nativity on Monday, took part in Christmas arts and crafts and looked very festive in their Christmas jumpers.
In Science, they enjoyed their experiment looking at evaporation and condensation. In English, they were very enthusiastic about planning and writing a Christmas poem. The class ended with a golden afternoon to celebrate all their hard work and achievements.
Have a wonderful Christmas holiday! I look forward to seeing you in 2024.
Riverside have worked so hard again throughout the week. On the afternoon of the last day of term, we are having golden time to celebrate all their achievements this term. On that day, they can bring in a snack or treat of their choice.
The class have completed their first non-fiction big write of the term and they had the opportunity to share. In Art, they created effects with paint to produce a piece of Art inspired by Paul Nash.
They joined the rest of the school at our local church to perform the songs from the musical ‘One Bright Star’ and put on an excellent performance.
They have also enjoyed our advent calendar countdown to Christmas.
Well done, Riverside! One week to go!
Riverside have had another eventful week and have made so much progress with all of their learning. They enjoyed the Christmas Fair on Monday and some were lucky enough to win prizes in the Tombola. In Art, they sketched a new landscape and carefully selected colours to create a mood and atmosphere. In English, they began their non-fiction big write on an environmental topic inspired by the class text, What a Waste. In Science, the class have continued to investigate the changing states of matter by observing ice melting and water. evaporating. Well done, Riverside! You have nearly made it to the end of term.
Riverside have had an exciting week of learning and extra activities. Last Friday, they joined Oldaport to create a gym routine and two teams have now been selected to compete with Cornwood and Shaugh Prior on the 1st December.
The class have also created their own Christmas collage hanging decorations. They were very inventive using tissue paper and coloured card. They are very proud to be selling their decorations in the Christmas Fair on Monday. In English, they are researching an environmental topic for their next big write and have shown a lot of enthusiasm for the text.
Riverside have started learning about our new English text titled ‘What a Waste’. They have shared their knowledge of the impact that waste has on our environment, animals and people. They are developing their understanding of the features of non-fiction texts. In Maths, the class have worked on addition and subtraction and are moving on to multiplication and division. The class also completed their first sketch of a landscape inspired by the work of Paul Nash.
Well done, Riverside! Keep up the good work.
Riverside enjoyed the disco at the start of the week. They have continued to work really hard in all their subjects. They have completed their big write based on a twisted tale and had the chance to share their stories. During the first art lesson of the term, we have been studying the work of Paul Nash. Together, we looked at his paintings and chose one to write about and evaluate.
Well done Riverside. You should be very proud of yourselves. Keep up the good work!
Riverside have settled in and worked hard during their first week back. In English, they are preparing and planning their big write, which will be a twist on Little Red Riding Hood. In Science, they are learning about states of matter and comparing solids, liquids and gases. They have had fun exploring the items used for observation and discussion.
Well done, Riverside!
Riverside have had an excellent end to the half term, finishing off all of their units of work. In DT, they all made their vegetable soup and tasted it - one soup was chunky and the other was smooth. In Science, they tested the strength of magnets by exploring how many paper clips they attract. In English, they have continued to write excellent examples of speech. They also performed the Harvest Tango at the church and made everyone proud. Well done, Riverside! Have a wonderful half term.
Riverside have started to become familiar with the new text, Ratpunzel, in English. They have compared the similarities and differences with the traditional Rapunzel fairy tale. They had the opportunity to play the part of the rats in the story and write speech for the characters. They have shared their understanding of the rules of speech in writing and identified missing quotation marks from a list of sentences. Well done, Riverside!
Riverside have investigated magnetic forces in science this week. They have understood the concept of 'attract' and 'repel'. They enjoyed choosing objects that would be attracted to magnets. They understand that most objects that are magnetic are metal.
We are looking forward to Bikeability, next week.
Well done, Riverside! Keep up the good work!
This week, Riverside conducted an experiment in science to see which surface has the most friction and used our results to create a bar graph. In History, we continued looking at the Bronze and Iron Age by discussing the different types of communication used. We compared and contrasted the different forms of language used throughout history. We all had a fantastic trip to the Merrivale prehistoric settlement on Dartmoor that linked with our history learning. Mr Hall was our guide and we saw Bronze Age stone circles and monuments. We also went to the visitor centre and dressed up as Bronze Age people.
Riverside have been learning to bake this week. They enjoyed mixing ingredients together and designing their initials on their biscuits. They had a fantastic French Day on Wednesday. They learned to say and spell the names of 2D shapes in French, researched and wrote a biography of a famous French person and researched French speaking countries by labelling them on a map. And to finish, they had a go at making French onion soup which they enjoyed with a piece of cheese on toast. Well done, Riverside!
Riverside have continued to settle in well during the first full week of school. In Science, the class are looking at the topic of forces and magnets. They explored different forces and used toys from Meadowsfoot class to explain which forces are a push and a pull.
Keep up the good work, Riverside!
I am so proud of how quickly our Year 3 and 4 children have settled in. They reflected on the wonderful things they did in the summer holiday and set goals for the year ahead. In maths, the class will be developing their understanding and reasoning of place value. In English, they are reading an exciting new book called The Beasties by Jenny Nimmo.
Well done Riverside! Keep up the good work.