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Moorsway Federation

Reading Aloud

Reading aloud is the foundation for literacy development. It is the single most important activity for reading success, providing children with a demonstration of phrased, fluent reading. Read-alouds reveal the rewards of reading and develop the listener's interest in books and desire to be a reader. Therefore we, at the Moorsway Federation, prioritise our reading aloud sessions so that they are a daily feature of school life. 

Through careful selection, we give children access to a wide range of high quality rich and engaging  higher language level that they would currently be able to read. Reading aloud exposes children to a wide range of stories and books allows children to see themselves as well as other people, cultures, communities, and issues in the books they read. Modelling reading encourages children to develop the habits and strategies proficient readers employ. build vocab Reading aloud promotes social and emotional growth. Our sessions build wider vocabularies and also promote social and emotional growth. 


